The Katrina Grace Leadership Team is sending another KatrinaZone Team to Trinity Church in Covington, LA THIS WEEKEND.
They are taking 3 full-size trucks and trailers.
We want to send them down full, so a request:
As many who can and are so inclined, could you bring to Grace by close of business Thursday the following items:
- Bottled Water
- Gatorade
- Juice Packs for Kids
- Canned Vegetables
- Bread
- Plastic Wear
- Paper Plates
- Paper Towels
- Trash Bags
- Flashlights
- Individually Packed Snack Products
- Canned Soup
- Individually Packed Cereal Boxes
- Cots
- Air Mattresses
- Elderly Products
- Ensure
- Depends
- Reading Glasses
- Toiletries
- toothpaste
- toothbrushes
- deodorant
- lotion
- shampoo
- razors
- shaving cream
- hairbrushes
- combs
- Q-tips
- toilet paper
- dental floss
- soap
- Baby Items
- Diapers
- Bottles
- Formula
- Baby Food
- Canned Protein Goods
- Tuna
- Peanut Butter
- Salmon
- Beans
- Etc.
- NO CLOTHES. (you can find out where you can drop off clothes here)
And please pray for the safety and effectiveness of these wonderful individuals.
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