- 16% - those who say that their lives are back to normal one year later
- 56% - those with kids under 18 who say that their kids have been negatively affected by the storm
- 25% - those who have not moved back
- 20% - number of those who have moved back but believe they may need to move out again
- 14% - those currently unemployed
- "those who say they are experiencing a great deal or quite a bit of"
- anxiety - 27%
- trouble sleeping - 26%
- depression - 23%
- "difficulties in marriage or other family relationships" - 18%
- Top 5 Most Difficult Things to Deal with Since Katrina:
- damaged property
- financial problems
- mental or emotional sate
- "getting our lives back on track"
- "no longer having a job"
- Top 5 Types of Help Most Desired to Recover from Katrina
- $
- help with damage or contractors
- more FEMA help
- "a place to stay"
- a job
- # of volunteers: 5,458
- volunteer work hours: 206,350
- USA TODAY related story.
- katrina by the numbers, part 1: the impact of the storm
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