Monday, March 13, 2006

Baltimore Sun: "6 months later, area is still reeling from Katrina"

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2006 Trips Information*

The Baltimore Sun ran a story yesterday giving a few details of what's been done and what remains in the Katrina-affected area that's received the most attention - New Orleans:
  • "...vast stretches of the city -- 100 square miles or more -- are still abandoned and rotting."

  • " Fewer than 15 percent of 15,000 businesses are open."

  • " But about two-thirds of the city remains uninhabited."

  • "Reconstruction officials have picked up about 33 million cubic yards of debris, but they're only halfway done, and piles of fetid mattresses and moldy drywall still line many streets."

  • "The new hurricane season is fewer than 100 days away, and repairs to the city's levees are 40 percent complete, federal officials said recently."
What's even more sobering is that New Orleans is just one area in a 90,000 square mail zone that was devastated by Hurricane Katrina.

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