One is leaving on Sun 5/11 and returning on Sat 5/17. Team members will be working with Trinity Church and Habitat for Humanity on what’s being called Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Work Project 2008.
If you are interested in participating in this project, please email Beth at She is the Pre-Flight Logistics Coordinator for this trip.
Our second scheduled trip this year is leaving on Sunday 11/23 and returning on Sat 11/29 (Thanksgiving Week). This will be a standard Work Team Trip. We have a number of spaces avail for this trip.
If you are interested in the Nov trip, contact Sandra Clabough, Pre-Flight Logistics Coordinator for this trip, at
In 2008, all KatrinaGrace participants will need to either pay their own way or raise their own money. The cost is approximately $650 per person and needs to be raised or paid before the trip. Beth or Sandra can give you more details if you’re interested.
Grace’s Short Term Mission Ministry – with the able help of Patti Hewat and others – are also working with us this year and providing a tremendous amount of help to KatrinaGrace. If you are interested in these trips, we can give you more information about upcoming training dates that they offer, though these are not required. Nevertheless, they are very helpful and highly recommended.
Please don’t hesitate to email me, Sandra, or Beth if you’ve any questions.