What a good day. I met with Jim Snyder who is the head of Compassion Ministries for 1400 plus churches with the Evangelical Free Church. Trinity Church will be used as a staging area for relief efforts throughout the North shore and New Orleans region. Several staff with the Evangelical Free Church will join our staff over the next 6 to 9 months to coordinate these efforts. Specific information is available on our website, www.trinitychurchonline.net on how people from across the country can get involved giving, sending supplies and manpower.
Work is progressing. Most of the staff is back and we are getting mobilized. One of the guys brought a team into a local town to clean up peoples homes. The mayor was astounded at the generosity. He said, “I used to think all Christians were hypocrites, but now I’m thinking otherwise.” That’s what happens when work is done in the name of Jesus.
Please pray for:
1. Tracking down all of our displaced Trinity Church family. It is agonizing as a church Shepherd, realizing the flock is scattered and unaccounted for. Of course, the good Shepherd knows the whereabouts of each one. If you are part of the Trinity family please email or call us as to your location and needs. Here is also a message board/blog at http://trinitychurch.blogspot.com to report information.
2. Pray for 5,000 - 10,000 square footage of warehouse space and loading dock to collect truckloads of supplies. Pray for 60 men who are working in the neighborhoods and sleeping on the church floor the next few nights.
3. Pray for perseverance, patience and wisdom. We were counseled today to realize that this job will take months or years. As Americans we can get frustrated when we can’t accomplish everything instantly.
4. Pray for revival in our land. Instead of trusting our strength or wits to get us out of this we must trust God. This makes sense since He can split a Red Sea and raise the dead! He has always delivered the needy and He will do it again as we humble ourselves before Him.
P.S. A possible answer to prayer. Since writing this letter God may have provided a 20,000 square foot warehouse. Pray for the 8 am meeting tomorrow morning. Prayer for a compassionate, generous CEO.
Also pray for the 12 police officers who are coming in momentarily to help wit relief efforts from Indiana.
Trinity Church's News Blog Updates are not dated
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