from Beth Shields
Thanks again for your support and patience while we work out this weekend's relief trip to Covington, LA. I have good news, and good news.
First, Rob Poler has volunteered to drive and even scared up a truck to take down for the journey. I have a very likely commitment from Bill Brettschneider to "kamikaze drive," as he puts it. AND -- I just filled my last child care slot between tomorrow a.m. and Monday a.m., so I am making the trip, too!
I spoke to Kathy at Trinity half an hour ago, and she expressed to me that this is a very fluid situation, with the church's needs changing on a daily basis. If you've already purchased the items mentioned in the previous post, please take them to Grace's office before close of business today. Nothing will be wasted that's already been purchased.
As mentioned previously, manpower is still the number one need. They are receiving donations but need us to sort and deliver items to the local shelters down there. So if we arrive with less than a vanful or a truckful of items, that's not a problem. Our items will be added to theirs, and we will definitely be put to use.
If you haven't already purchased the previous list's items, the new list of what is needed is:
bath towels
*cots* -- major, major need
small Bibles
sleeping bags
We are going to drive straight through, taking advantage of the extra drivers. Then we will probably be sleeping on the church floor Saturday night, unless some of the parishioners' homes are in okay shape and they take us in. Again, this is a very fluid situation. The church has electricity but still no water. We plan to leave midmorning to early afternoon Sunday, kamikaze driving home again.
That's the update for now. Thank you for your generosity and commitment to serve.
If you are interested in going with or without your own vehicle, pls email Beth Shields at beth.shields@gmail.com. Please bring your sleeping bags!
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