Thursday, September 22, 2005

New Michael Sprague Update

I finished a meeting on how we would operationally continue our “Free Store.” We were discussing the supply process and as soon as the meeting was over, a woman we helped with food the day before walked in with God’s answer – a Christian group who will drop off supplies daily. Yea, God. (Note: Pray for our “Free Store.” There is a steady flow of traffic all day long. As folks fill up a box, they tell their story. After three minutes they start to cry. Life is so overwhelming. Yesterday, I helped a woman who lost her home totally and her business. Her 3 and 5 year old grandchildren are missing. She was at Trinity Sunday and has moved in with one of our families. She is making Trinity her home church. Pray for Michelle but realize there are thousands of Michelles.

from Trinity's Michael Sprague new pastoral letter that was posted today

The "free store" that Michael mentions is the warehouse that KatrinaZone Teams I and II have been bringing supplies to and then taking material from to deliver to various locations around the area. Nichole Tiede just shared with us that the material Grace donated last week increased the warehouses supplies by about 300%!

We hope to post pictures soon from the trip and more information about what Team II experienced in Covington.

image from freefoto

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